Daily Schedule
Wake up at 5:30 (Sandro should be showing at this time)
Get baby up while Sandro is showering. Dress, tickle, and kiss of course.
Feed baby and prepare baby for car trips from 5:45-6:15
Sandro is preparing the bottles as I am feeding the baby
Out the door by 6:15 for Sandro and Sophia
Sandro drops Sophia at daycare at 6:20.
I take a quick shower and try to get out of the door by 6:40. This is for the day I workout. (MWF) Loving the free gym that my company has. I will leave by 6:50 if I have to dry my hair. This always takes me longer. So I try to do this on Tuesday and Thursday.
Work from 8-5, Sandro from 7-4
Sandro picks up Sophia. Usually she naps for him until I get home. He cooks dinner and does the dishes.
I get home about 5:30. Feed Sophia first because I can’t eat until she eats. She is very moody in the evenings for us.
Sophia wants to nap after eating till like 7:30.
We bath her together, she is out by 8:30-9:00 p.m.
Lights off for us as well at she passes out.
It starts all over again.
Just imagine if we had two babies to deal with. Nut house maybe? Getting pictures and videos in are very hard for us. I try to work on this on Sunday but this last Sunday was crazy because Sandro had to work. I had them all uploaded to the computer but youtube was just not cooperating. I plan to try again to work on it tonight. The only thing really making me keep motivated to get up in the morning is seeing Sophia’s toothless grin. She loves to smile in the mornings and she is just so beautiful I can’t help but to love her. She is developing at an alarming rate now. She starting to love gripping things and she loves to stand in her exersaucer. Her favorite place to nap is in her Moby right next to mommy. At the moment she hates her bouncer, highchair, swing anything where she isn’t being held all the time. I don’t know if this is phase but I don’t care. I plan to hold her as much as I can in the evenings. Even if that means I have to eat one handed.
Pictures of the week:
Again with her Sophie. She loves her.