Thursday, June 25, 2009

Week 24

Overall I am feeling good. The only issues I have is the heartburn usually in the middle of the night. Even if I eat a lighter meal it doesn't help. It doesn't seem to be anything in particular that (except for pizza) and it just more uncomfortable than painful if that makes sense. I am feeling a little less bloated over all as well. I am able to fit into one of the bra I got a few months ago. Doesn't fit me perfectly but at least I can wear it. Some times I have constipation but I am trying to increase my fiber intake. Not to be open but I tried to poop for 1 hour last night with a very small result. So I had to stop and relax and use my hemorrhoid wipes. Those always seem to help. I am not looking forward to trying again. :(

I have made a new commitment to work out at least 3 times a week. It won't be like it was previously. Just walking on the treadmill and using the pool at my gym. Not for long periods. I really miss working out so I figure I can start back slowly and not doing anything that isn't recommended. I used to walk the dogs every night but it's way to hot this summer. So the gym it is. Sandro is in full support of this. I know he misses running. He still takes the dogs for quick runs as well.

My stomach is growing and I am feeling baby girl a little more every day. Some days more than others. Like yesterday. All day long. It was crazy. She moves in the middle of the night sometimes when I have to pee. It just feels so reassuring to feel her.

So here is what is happening in Week 24.

Your baby continues to grow more proportional each and every day. During pregnancy week 24 her organ systems continue to mature as do the central nervous system, digestive system and even reproductive and circulatory systems. During a pregnancy at 24 weeks your baby's lungs are also starting to form little branches and will eventually start producing a substance called surfactant which happens closer to the time your baby's lungs start maturing.

The amniotic fluid surrounding your baby begins to increase in volume after about pregnancy 24 weeks.. This continues until delivery when your uterus will hold up to 2 pints of amniotic fluid.

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