Monday, September 7, 2009

Weekly Update

How far along? 34 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Up 28 per last Dr. Appointment.
Stretch marks? Decided this question will be removed next week. Seems a bit redundant. Either you have them or you don't.
Sleep: Sleeping has improved a little. But she wakes me up rather early.
Best moment this week: Seeing all the beautiful maternity pictures. They turned out fab.
Movement: She is very active at the oddest times. But I can just watch her for hours.
Food cravings: The milk craving has died down somewhat. But I can only stomach smaller meals. How does that work? Eating less and looking bigger? I can't grasp that!
Labor Signs: Nope..(6 more weeks)
What I miss: Having all that energy. I can work really hard for about 1 hour then I am flat out tried as could be.
What I am looking forward to: My mom visiting this week for the shower. She hasn't been here for a while. I have been sorta down about that.
Weekly Wisdom: Organizing can make a world of difference on how you feel about your home.
Milestones: Two weeks away from being full term. (well full term in the respect I could pop at any time saftely)'s nearing so fast.

Instead of Sandro and I being incredibly irresponsible with our money this month we decided not to take a last minute trip to decompress over the weekend. We spent the last three days cleaning and organizing the house. Below I have posted a few before and after pictures. We finished all 4 closests and only have the garage still to go. It's way to hot to tackle that project.

Sporting a new cut.
The purple outfit that MIL made
New Artwork

Hall Closet Before

Hall Closet After

Bedroom Closet Before

Bedroom Closet After

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