Sunday, October 4, 2009

Weekly Post

How far along? 38 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Up 33 pounds. Last appointment I went down a pound from the previous weeks appointment.
Sleep: Some nights I sleep like a rock. I still use the restroom sometimes several times a night. But I still manage to fall asleep.
Best moment this week: Really feeling like I am about done with the nursery. We have one item left to get but it will take about a week to get here. It should help with the storage problem I have been having. I was so nice to see a the room in a almost finished state. Looks at pictures to the right. They are in my slideshow.
Movement: Movements are less but I think it has to do with her size. She loves to kick my bladder though. I have to poke her to stop sometimes I think that just makes her kick me harder. She is smart like that!
Food cravings: Pumpkin Pie. I went out and bought all the ingredients. I managed to eat three pieces yesterday. Whoops! :) It was so good. It least it has fiber!
Labor Signs: Per my 37 wk Dr's appointment I am progressing. 3 cm dilated 80% effaced
What I miss:I think I am missing my mom and girl time. No offense to Sandro it's a bit hard for me to admit but sometimes I wish I had a cool chick to hang out with or someone to shop with who actually liked to shopped. Sandro is sorta anti shopping.
What I am looking forward to: Meeting our baby girl in 2-4 weeks.
Weekly Wisdom: Even if you a dilating it does not mean that your baby is coming early. You can stay in the same position for several weeks. Most first time pregnancies are 42 weeks on average.
Milestones:I have one big milestone left and that is delivering our baby...or getting to the estimated delivery date.

Me at 37 weeks. I was too lazy to take a picture for 38 wk..

Sandro working on our wall decal. Took him a hour to finish it. It came our prefect.

A finished project. Can you tell how these where made? Lets just say it costs me less than $20 dollars.
All together!


Nana said...

Everything looks so beautiful. You and Sandro have a done a great job. I love the sweet dreams. Hope you are doing ok and I am so looking forward to coming down when it's time. My prayer is to get there before Baby girl is delivered.
I love you and Sandro and am so excited and miss you so.....much!!!!

Amanda said...

Everything is coming together! Can't believe you'll get to meet your sweet girl in just a few weeks! Being a mom is absolutely the best job in the world!