Tuesday, July 27, 2010

9th Month Check-Up

Yes, Baby Sophia is not really a baby anymore. More like a toddler. She is so strong. Most people when they hold her comment on how solid she is. She is a little muscle woman. Given she has some ear infection Sophia is remarkably a very healthy child. She eats well and she is very intrigued by anything she sees. She has such a unique personality. She is slowly learning by copying mommy or daddy.

What makes her giggle:
When I do a pretend sneeze
Singing Itsy Bitzy Spider
When Apollo comes around
When she is tickled
When she is in her stroller following Apollo
Random dramatic words w/funny faces

Things that make her mad:
Getting any type of medicine
Not getting her bottle fast enough
Not giving her food fast enough
Not getting her normal bedtime routine

Her favorite Foods:
Broccoli (sometimes w/cheese)
Baka's Chicken Soup
Potatoes (mashed, cut, anyway)
Homemade Bread
Mac & Cheese

Her least favorite Foods:
Spicy Food

She drinks normal cow milk from her sippy at dinner. She likes the sippy's with the straws. The other ones are a bit too frustrating for her. At the moment she consumes about 2 (9 ounces bottles) and 2 (6 ounce bottles) and she eats snacks, lunch, dinner. All solids. She is good about giving everything a try.

Stats: 24 pounds 10 Ounces 90%
Height: 30.5 inches 90%
FOC: At home..but she grew about 1/4 inch

She just loves my camera strap some days.
Her Nana gave her this doll. Unfortunately the dogs liked it too. :(
Trying to get her mirror off the floor so she can slam it into the coffee table. :) Silly Girl.
Her ever so cute face.

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