Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Here and There...Everywhere

My bonus post of the week. Sophia is everywhere you can imagine. She crawls and wants to stand against anything that can support her. She is hard to chase sometimes. Here are just a few of her favorites places.

This is the face she gives after she reaches her destination. Notice the teethies.
On my way to my next destination.
She likes the door stoppers.
Mama's gym bag.
In the fridge.
Trying to get out the doggie door. Teaching them how it works.
To get to the water bowl. Her mini swimming pool.
Back at the doggie door again. This time she wants to get out to be with her brothers.
At the bathtub.
Pulling her self up on the coffee table.


Uncle Ed said...

what a beautiful child.

Katrice Ross said...


Nana said...

She is just gorgeous. Thanks for sharing her with us. Love you Sophia and Mommy and Daddy too! Can't wait till I can get back up there to see you all!!!!

purplenut45 said...

Sophia is so adorable and cute and beautiful..You all so deserve the joy and happiness..I love you guys <3