Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Texas State Fair 2013

Sophia loved the State fair this year. She was much more interactive than previous years. She rode a ton of the rides and eat her self silly. However, she did end up losing her lunch on the way home. It could have been a combination of too many rides and all that food or just her getting so upset when it was time to leave. We still have wonderful memories of the day and she did behave really well. She walked the entire time. No more strollers. ;) That was part of the deal. Tata did try to win her a smurf but the games that had them where very difficult. It made her sad but she got over it quickly!

Well at least she enjoyed her lunch!

It was nearly impossible to get a picture by bigtex. People like to hoard right in front of it.

Sophia's prizes won by Daddy

Sophia's collection of pumpkins:

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