Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

So today I feel crampy. However, I have full energy. Not nearly as tried as I have been. So of course I get worried. Last night because I just help like it I took the pg test again. Again it was positive. And extremely bright blue this time. I have officially missed my period...31 days...3 days late. You still don't believe it. All the cramps I have been having feel like I am going to get my period. However, everywhere I have read this is completely normal in the first tri. Also, my good I feel constipated. I usually don't poop a lot...maybe 3 times a week total. However, I have this need and want to poop and it doesn't want to come out. My weight is 197.1 which is strange because that means I have lost 5 pounds since I have last checked. I feel super bloated so I feel 20 pounds heavier. All these weird things with my body. It's hard to explain how I am feeling.

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