Saturday, December 5, 2009

Thankgiving Recap

The first trip went with out any hitches. Sophia slept for the entire drive up and for the entire drive back. She slept pretty good and didn't wake up everyone all night long. She did have a little trouble with napping and a few nights where she wasn't really in the mood to sleep. She was loved and kissed on by everyone. Grandma was sick though so she couldn't hold baby girl. I think I was more exhausted than she was.

The food was amazing as always. Grandpa made his classic turkey and we had all the fixings. It was great seeing everyone. It was nice to have a Palomares Reunion. Love all those people. Sandro and I did come home with a small chest cold but amazingly Sophia has not gotten sick yet. It seems to be finally disappearing a week later. I guess it could be all that breastfeeding that I have been doing.

This week I am going to let the pictures speak for themselves. :)

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