Friday, June 19, 2009

Short & Sweet

All went well.I didn't get to meet with my regular Dr. because she had to go to another patients labor. I could have waited for her but for the weigh and measuring type of appointment it wasn't a big deal. Also since I have been feeling pretty good overall and I didn't really have any questions for the Dr. I was fine meeting with the nurse. The hb was found with the doppler and it was in the 150's. Baby was moving around a lot. From one side to the other. At first it was faint...(baby moved to the other side) Then we found it again on the other side and it was very strong but started to faint again. Obviously she has a lot of room to move. She was kicking/moving all day yesterday so I wasn't really nervous about it.

The next appointment is on July 15th. This will be my last one month appointment. I start going every two weeks after this one. Holy crap that means I am in the 3rd trimester in less than a month. They weren't lying when they said the 2nd trimester goes by fast. Next time I have to do the Glucose drink test where they test for Gestational Diabetes. They told me I should avoid carbs before the test but I can have plenty of proteins. Then I have to drink this orange drink 45 mins before the appointment. I honestly don't know how I am going to survive on no carbs since I know I am a carb addict and me and protein don't mix well. But oh well. It's just for a day. I can have a carb fest later that night right! :)

The belly is now unavoidable and I am just not going to try to hide it anymore. Today you definitely can see my baby belly. I told one lady yesterday that I was about 23 weeks her jaw dropped. She couldn't tell at all. But at the same time she thinks it's perfectly acceptable for me only to have 1500 calories a day when I am pregnant. (Which is about what I eat now with the occasional splurge) I was dieting before only eating 1300 calories a day and I track those calories. I am not tracking anymore but I really didn't increase my intake that much. She always asks me how my diet is going. She still couldn't believe I was already that far along. But I guess you can say that I haven't been openly telling everyone. It's feel it's a private matter. I am glad I am not the type of frame where everyone feels the need to rub my belly but I am sure this isn't far away as my belly makes it's appearance more and more each day.

Overall I feel pretty healthy. The only thing that is beginning to bother me is getting comfortable. Last night I went to sleep at 8:30 (it was still light outside) and I woke up at 4:30. As I get bigger I am noticing a big increase in my lack of motivation to get dressed up or do my hair. Blow drying my hair and then flat ironing takes a lot out of me. I know the heat doesn't help. Gosh this has already been the hottest summer ever.

1 comment:

Nana said...

Eat Peanut butter, that is what I try to do when tired. And Chicken