Monday, June 1, 2009

Weekly Update

How far along? 20 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: I have gained 8 pounds.
Maternity clothes? Of course.
Stretch marks? My belly is itchy lately.
Sleep: I have been having a lot of anxiety nightmares lately. Mainly over cribs, baby necessities and misc craziness.
Best moment this week: Feeling baby all the time now. Often in the mornings.
Movement: A lot more. Usually when I am hungry or just ate. She is demanding! ;) Wants food. Oh and nothing greasy or fatty. Just healthy!
Food cravings: Salad. Cold lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes. Fruits are nice too. Strawberries.
Labor Signs: Nope..Many weeks away from this.
What I miss: My energy level it dies out so quickly it's crazy. Also I feel like a rolly polly sometimes when I try to do simple things.
What I am looking forward to: Sandro being able to feel the kicks from the outside. Probably a few more weeks till this.
Weekly Wisdom: Try not to let your lack of knowledge of baby necessities overwhelm you. Planning what to buy for baby is harder than planning a wedding.
Milestones: I am midway through this pregnancy. This feels amazing.

Week 20 picture...take a look at Week 10 for comparison.
We made progress on the nursery this weekend. We picked the paints officially and started to tape up the room. We are going to do a top color and a bottom color. The border had a light green edging (like the green we choose for the bottom.) I have to say I have the most patient husband alive. He is so great about projects and really puts his full effort in. He hates painting and grumbles a little but he always puts his project hat on before we start something. We are planning to do the room in stages. This week is taping (we only have the ceiling left) and then we may start on the upper part first. In case you are wondering we got quality paint that is supposed to be low and fumes and I have a mask to wear. I am sure my mother is worrying already. The taping he is doing here is to let us know where the border will be. Oh and we got the border this weekend. Such a good deal and it will look super cute. Sandro and I also did a first run of crib shopping. Currently I am still undecided which one is my favorite. Lets just say that you can tell the quality from crap.

The Top Color (the color in the middle)
The bottom Color (called asparagus)


Uncle Ed said...

don't know about that bottom color....

MrsSandro said...

Sandro picked it! So if it looks bad lets blame him. I think it will look nice. :) I wanted to go all yellow but he really wanted to break up the room.

Katrice Ross said...

One thing about the crib.....
You might want to think about how much space is between the crib bars. Babies have been known to squeeze through the holes. I know that's a horrible thing to say, but I don't want anything to happen to your precious bundle of joy. I have known several babies that got stuck and might have gotten badly injured.

On a more positive note, the colors look awesome and it looks like the beginnings of a fabulous nursery!