Wednesday, March 25, 2009

10 Weeks w/picture

So I debated about posting this picture because I really not liking my body right now. I am scared of the possible reactions. For one I am wearing a cami under this shirt to help the girls since they are so massive. Two you can see my pooch. The thing I don't get is why some people say that if you are larger you don't see much growth in the first fews months. But I am not sure if that really applies to me. I was at a semi healthy weight for my height. Just under 200 pounds. I can tell you that my boobs grew at least 2 sizes. Before I was a 38D and now I am getting near a 40DD. The outfit I am wearing are regular clothes. The black pants are still lose on me. The only difference is my stomach doesn't want to stay back when I suck in. For those who remember I was avid about working out. In the last year alone I lost close to 40 ish pounds. I was going great with my eating plan and my exercise plan. I know before getting pregnant that I would gain weight. But in this picture I just look like I let myself go again. When I weighed at the doctor I was about 208 ish. I think that at least half of that is bloat and the other half is the weight gain in my breasts.

So today marks 10 weeks. The spotting is very minimal yesterday and today. So minimal if you weren't paying any attention you would even notice. It's a small amount of brown. Maybe this could be the end to all the blood clot drama. Other symptoms I have right now is that I have noticeable indigestion. I have never been the belching type. But now it's completely expected after I eat. On top of that tummy just grumbles all the time. Sometimes in the morning I am nauseous. I have a ton of snacks at my desk to help me between meals. It looks like snack central. When I start to feel light headed or a rumble I grab a small snack.

At 10 weeks the embryo becomes a fetus. Here is what happening with baby this week.
By the end of pregnancy week 10 your baby's organ systems are growing quickly. Now internal organs are starting to form and the vital organs including the liver, kidney, intestines and brain will start functioning. In the next three weeks alone your baby's length will grow exponentially. Tiny details will start appearing on your baby's body, including items such as toenails. If you were to look really closely you might even notice some peach fuzz growing on your baby's skin! By now your baby will be consumed with swallowing and kicking. That's right, your baby will swallow amniotic fluid during your pregnancy. Consider it a practice run for breathing once she is born!

1 comment:

Katrice Ross said...

Geez woman I don't know what you're complaining about, you look great! I'm glad the bleeding slowed down. I on the other hand, am bleeding massively because I'm on my period. lol