Monday, March 23, 2009

Weekly Update

How far along? 9 wks 5 days
Total weight gain/loss: My pants are having trouble staying up. DH asked me why I wasn't wearing a belt. Still bloated in the belly and no where else.
Maternity clothes? Same as last week. The jeans I live in when I can. But the other pants are bit annoying and just make me feel fat.
Stretch marks? Not any new ones yet.
Sleep: About the same as last week. Though I seem to have added about a restroom break every 2-4 hours.
Best moment this week: Seeing the heartbeat again.
Movement: last night I could have sworn I felt some flutters but I know it's too early
Food cravings: Potato Salad as been on my mind big time. I made some and eat a ton of it whoops.
Gender: At this point just a healthy baby.
Labor Signs: Nope..Many weeks away from this.
What I miss: I would say exercise. I am getting sick of the relaxing and resting. However, for my condition it's one of those things that have to happen. I miss running and weight lifting.
What I am looking forward to: The bleeding to stop and to find out the sex.
Weekly Wisdom: Tums is okay for heartburn and really helps. Fruit and juice is not good on a empty stomach because it's too acidic.
Milestones: 2nd ultrasound. Seeing and hearing the babies heartbeat via u/s. I am about 3 weeks away from being out of the 1st trimester. I am about to start week 10.

1 comment:

Katrice Ross said...

I love you Stephanie. I hope everything is ok.