Thursday, March 19, 2009

Back from the Dr. - Good News.

The appointment went well. They did a u/s and the baby is growing right on track. The HB is 170 bpm. They said the spotting is due to a small blood clot in the uterus. It will mean that I may have more spotting or it will disappear on it's own. They aren't too worried about it but they want me to come in two weeks for another u/s and appointment. I am so relieved. I am just so happy that baby is doing okay. I need to learn not to freak out about every little thing. She also told me the cramps that I am feeling are normal. It was great talking to the Dr. about my concerns. I am so happy I went.

U/S picture to follow. The baby did move a little. Which is a good sign since it's still a little early for that. It's growing right on track.

1 comment:

Nana said...

Thanks for all the updates and I feel real close to you even if I am not there physically. I am glad you went to the Dr, you needed to know what was going on. Thanks goodness for Sandro. He is the greatest. I can't wait for the picture to update my other one. I love you both!!!!!!!!