Monday, March 16, 2009

Stolen Questionnaire

I have been a ball of emotions lately. For instance I cried at Costco yesterday. I was so proud that I had all my coupons ready. They tend to send them two weeks early. Well I got confused (or had a case of the pg brain) and I thought they were good on Sunday (March 15th) I mistakenly thought yesterday was the 16th. So there I was buying everything that my coupons where good for. Got up to the line and the girl was like today isn't March 16th. These aren't good till tomorrow. Before I could speak I just walked a way. She didn't need a pg lady going crazy on her. I just let Sandro deal with it. They told him that if we bring the coupons tomorrow that we can still get the discount and our money refunded. (which was close to $15 dollars) I sat there and cried for at least 5-10 mins. DH was trying to hard to get me to smile and not worry about it. Nonetheless we have plans to go to Costco to get our coupon savings. I was just really embarrassed.

Then on top of all that Sandro hasn't really been good about dealing with my emotions. Expect in the above scenario. For instance on Saturday I really wanted to check out the new Target. I had my coupons all ready and I thought it was a good day for it. So he says he will take me. We arrive and instantly he gets a attitude. He doesn't a partially like Target and to him they are all the same and didn't see the big deal of checking out the new one. So he stands behind me like an annoyed husband does. Doesn't rush me but really makes me feel uncomfortable because it's not talking or shopping just standing there annoyed. So while we are leaving I get upset. Then he says "I am not one of your girlfriends, what do you expect out of me?" So there I go crying fit. I didn't ask him to be one of my girlfriends. I just wanted him not to act so annoyed. Especially when I was looking at baby stuff. Another examples was yesterday I really wanted Hashbrowns. I got a package of organic ones and I had it in my head to have the ones they showed in the picture on the package. Well Sandro used the wrong pan and they came out soggy. (of course I get all upset) So he tries a different pan and managed to salvage them. I tried to explain to him that my hormones are just on overload.

Also my dreams have been crazy. Like last night I dreamed I become part of a computer game. I actually wrote the code. But somehow I had a glitch in the code that caused your to get caught in this maze that took you to this like a nazi boot camp. This camp was just basically set up to lower the amount of people in the human race. There was this one part where you had to order food and a quesadilla cost $233 dollars and all they would accept was checks. Then you would notice that older people where being sent off. (I guess to be killed) Then it switched back to the country. Like some people survived by not getting trapped in this maze and they all fled to the country. I think I was on my Grandma's porch with 10 other people camped out. They kept telling me it wasn't "really country" and asked me if I knew the back roads. At the same time there buses of people (like dart buses) flying through the roads. That is when I was awoken by the dirt bike sound of someone having a joy ride at 3:00 a.m. in the a.m. Trippy dream but I woke up remembering it all. I have a lot of those lately.

So one of my favorite blogs "The Heir to Blair" posts a weekly questionnaire on how the pregnancy is going so far. I love that idea so I am stealing it. She actually posts her weekly belly pictures and I soon will be doing this as well. :)

How far along? 8 wks 5 days
Total weight gain/loss: Haven't weighed but my pants don't feel tight yet.
Maternity clothes? Yes, some days I do. But I don't like them much because they seem to emphasize my growing uterus.
Stretch marks? Only the ones I had from before (when I was bigger)
Sleep: Too freaking much. I go to sleep at 8:30-9:00..If I don't go to sleep on time I won't want to wake up the next morning. Also I have to nap 2-3 times on the weekend.
Best moment this week: I would have to stay hearing the whoosh whoosh whoosh.
Movement: Nope. But I have been cramping on and off all week.
Food cravings: Salty and Hot Foods, Peanut Butter Oatmeal Chocolate Cookies (made a batch this weekend)
Gender: Girl just because the clothes are cuter. But would be happy with a boy as well. DH wants a boy I think.
Labor Signs: Nope..Many weeks away from this.
What I miss: I think it's still the coffee. Though I did have a Decaf Mocha from starbucks this weekend. Yum.
What I am looking forward to: Having a real baby belly and telling people.
Weekly Wisdom: Eat smaller meals during the day vrs the big meals. It help with digestion.
Milestones: 1st ultrasound. Seeing and hearing the babies heartbeat via u/s.

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