Sunday, July 12, 2009

Weekly Update

How far along? 26 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: I think I am up about 18 pound gain. Sigh.
Stretch marks? The same as last week. I know it's only going to get worse.
Sleep: This weekend I slept like crap. But last night I slept much better. Baby is on her own schedule and she is a early bird. (Just like her mama) Though on the weekends I wish she would sleep in just a little bit.
Best moment this week: Getting the crib and other baby stuff set up.
Movement: She is very active some days still. This morning she has only kicked me a few times.
Food cravings: Milk. I can drink it all day. In the first tri it would get me sick. Now it's all I want. Sandro almost ventured out one night to get it because I was driving him that crazy over it. This week we have 1 1/2 gallons to keep us well stocked. It's expensive too. Since Sandro only gets the organic kind but I love it.
Labor Signs: Nope..Many weeks away from this. (14 weeks)
What I miss: The winter. It has to be the hottest damm summer in Texas. Going outside is a chore. Yesterday I was feeling faint from just getting to the car. It's really flipping crazy.
What I am looking forward to: The Bradley Classes (Natural Birthing Class) we will start to take at the end of August. It's on a Sunday which is great. I think by this time it will feel so real.
Weekly Wisdom: Spend some time getting to know the different baby items that you thought where so easy. I spent a hour or so putting the pack and play together (which is supposed to be a easy set up for travel) but the instructions talked in a different language and where hard to follow. I got it eventually but man could they make it any more complicated. At least it's a lot easier to take down. No wonder this is a place you can put the instructions when you pack it up.
Milestones: I am now in the double digits. I have also reached 26 weeks. Baby can technically survive outside of the womb. But of course I want her to stay in there as long as possible. I am about a week away from being in the third trimester. That is when the real gaining will begin.

This weekend Sandro and his family went to pick up the crib and dresser and also purchase some of the major items like carseat, pack and play, and stroller. (His family got us these items) The crib was a gift from my Dad and Norma. It's a lot prettier in person. The color is so beautiful and classic. I like it a lot more than the pictures. It's nice and solid. The dresser came fully assembled which was a relief for Sandro. But I Sandro did get help from his dad to assemble the crib. I repaid him in Spinach Mushroom Quiche. *Which I shed tears over for no reason, basically it had to much liquid and Sandro was making fun over me getting I cried (pregnancy hormones) oh and it still came out perfect. I was just being a baby.*

I put a mini video of the nursery in a more completed state. The slideshow is for my mom who always says I don't give her picture options. So excuse the redundancy.

1 comment:

Brooke and Josh said...

I remember the first time my neice stayed with us and we worked on that pack n play for an hour before we figured it out! But once we figured it out it is so much easier. Now that we have another baby neice when we keep her it only take a minute to get it all set up. (I have thanked their mother many times for letting me use her kids and stuff to learn on!)