Thursday, July 30, 2009

All is good with Babyjuric...

So my appointment went really well. I gained 3 I am up total 23. Nothing was suggested about watching my diet so I am okay with gaining. My belly is definitely bigger so I expected it. The heartbeat was in the strong 150''s a little higher than last time. Sandro blames the Nachos. (He had took me to lunch) As she was getting the heartbeat babygirl decided to kick the doppler. I felt it nice and strong. She is picky about her space. ;) I asked the Doctor about about the swelling and my heartburn and she told me it was completely normal but she still asked to see my feet. She just wanted to check the seriousness of it. She told it didn't look bad at all. I asked her about my Rhogam shot and asked if I needed to get another one since I took mine so early in this pregnancy. She insisted that I go ahead and get it in the 28 week and that I had to get it that day. Another $120 dollars gone. :) At least I was able to get it today and didn't have to come back. I am glad I mentioned it. I will have to get another when I give birth. Overall a great appointment. Baby is doing fine. I go back again August 12th. Yep..every two weeks now.

Edit: Just now baby girl kicked me and I can see it from the outside. It's the first time. Finally she is in my belly vrs being down low. It's so cool to watch. Took almost 29 weeks to see this. Wow..I am truly amazed.

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