Monday, July 20, 2009

Weekly Update

How far along? 27 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: According to the doctor's office I am up 20. (Almost exactly)
Stretch marks? The linea negra has grown. No new stretch marks just old ones reappearing.
Sleep: Some nights are better than others.
Best moment this week: Visiting with Amber. She made Chicken enchiladas with all the fixings and brought it over to my house. It was fantastic. I had seconds.
Movement: She likes the mornings I have noticed. However, I can feel her a little each hour. Sometimes doing flips or rolls. But I think I am starting to feel her REAL kicks.
Food cravings: I would have to say Mexican. I was having a killer craving for Chicken Fajitas nachos on Saturday.
Labor Signs: Nope..Many weeks away from this. (13 weeks)
What I miss: To tolerate the heat. It's crazy miserable lately.
What I am looking forward to: I am looking forward to finishing up this pregnancy and meeting our little girl. I am ready for that big change everyone keeps talking about.
Weekly Wisdom: Putting things together aren't that easy as I once thought especially if the instructions don't have good pictures. Luckily I had someone smarter than I am in the room. Thanks Amber for all your help! Oh and power tools help!
Milestones: Holy crap! I am in the 3rd tri. I can not believe it at all. 3 more months. 91 days and 13 weeks.

Yeah I guess you can say that is baby huh? Here is me at 10 weeks wearing the same thing. Except I am wearing maternity pants below. Oh My the belly has grown.
The outfit that Vesna Finished. (minus the hat, she kept that cause she wants to do another) She did such an amazing job. She has started her second outfit. I have been told that she has stopped cleaning and doing other stuff so she can knit. :)
The awesome swing that Amber let me have. Her sister had twins so they had two. One less thing I have to register for or buy. Love it. Works prefectly.
Me in the new dress. I look terrible in this picture. I was way bloated from all the food I ingested. They are so comfortable.
Close up of the valance.

Norma decided to redo the valance. I think it matches very well. It's an exact replica of the border. So cute. It looks so beautiful. I figure I can switch it out when the baby gets older with the pink one. :) Love it!
The guys where watching a boy movie and we decided to put it together. One little mistake and we it resolved quickly. It is really sturdy and is holding up well for target stuff. I can get more storage bins draws if I need to. Oh and it looks really freaking cute. Notice that little radio. I have had that almost 10 years. Goes great in the room.
The mattress came in this week. Fits perfectly and got it at a bargain price of $118 for an organic mattress. Thank you Costco!

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