Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Weekly Update

How far along? 28 weeks 1 Day
Total weight gain/loss: Up 20 per last Dr. Appointment. Have another Dr's on Thursday.
Stretch marks? Same as last weeks. Itchy as ever though. DH rubs Aveeno on my belly at night. He says he can feel where the baby is and always guessing the way it's positioned.
Sleep: Some nights are hard. Some nights (like last night) I was in heaven. Only got up to pee once. Baby was sleeping well after a really active day. She likes to wake some times really early. Especially on the weekends.
Best moment this week: Getting a snow cone with Sandro on a mini Date. Yumm!
Movement: I think she has repositioned her self in the belly. I am feeling kicks but towards my belly button. Her head seems low now. Sometimes I still get punched in the bladder though.
Food cravings: I guess a snow cone. But honestly I haven't been able to eat much. I get miserable heartburn. From just about anything now. I am eating tums all day (mainly in the evenings)
Labor Signs: Nope..Many weeks away from this. (12 weeks)
What I miss: Eating my favorite foods without being miserable.
What I am looking forward to: My shower in a September. It will be nice to have my family and friends there. Though I will be pretty pregnant by then. ;)
Weekly Wisdom: Just because your a pregnant does not mean you can eat what you want. But I am sure I covered this already. It (the heartburn) gets worse in the 3 tri. The only remedy that remotely helps me is sitting up for a while or walking around. It's the laying down that brings it on.
Milestones: No milestones this week. I like the say the next big one is 37 weeks (which is considered full term) but that is a ways off. There is bound to be one in between.

There wasn't happening in the Juric home this weekend. I should have been organizing but I couldn't gather the energy. Especially on Sunday where I woke up at 5:30. I ended up taking a 3 hour nap that morning. By the time we went to work out (took 2 hours) It took forever to do dinner and it was already bed time again. Lately I am swelling more in my feet. I went out and bought two pairs of shoes ... one in 9.5 and the other in 10. My normal size is 8.5-9. So my feet apparently are growing/swelling. On top of that my size 4.5 wedding ring won't go on without hurting so I kinda just stashed them away. All of this is water weight I am sure.

Here is a pic from yesterday. If you compare it to 17 weeks you can see how much I have grown. Ignore my goofy grin! And my horrible camera. I left my good one in Austin. (sigh)
Here is the crepe myrtle that I took from Nana's house. I just wanted to show how pretty it bloomed. It looks far better than the ones that we planted last year. So full and pretty. It likes it new home. It makes me think of Nana every time I see it. I feel like she is watching over us everyday.

1 comment:

Nana said...

Your crepe murtle looks better than mine and I was excited that I had blooms, but not like yours. Nana is shining down on you and it brings tears to my eyes knowing that she is there with you during this special time in your like.
love you baby girl