Thursday, February 2, 2012

Resolutions Check - in

Yesterday was Terrible. Yes with a capital T. Sophia decided that it was National Pee (and poop) in My Pants day. She had so many accidents. It seems she was doing it to drive me crazy. She just refused to go in the potty. Not sure why she decided it was best to pee in her pants. Sometimes I think it's my fault. We started to late and she just is so smart and realizes there is no real benefit to peeing in the potty. (Other than to be clean.) Really no benefits for her. There will be better days.

I was a little stressed lately. I need to revisit my #7 resolution more. I must be more positive. I don't have it all that bad. It's called life and I need to just move forward and onward.

Update on the Resolutions

1) Write in my blog at the minimal of 2 times a week - 7 Times in a 4 week month isn't too terrible. Lets see if I can keep it up.

2) Lose 15 pounds and maintain my already 50 pound weight loss.- Not going so well. No real weight loss yet from last month. Me = Sad Panda. I worked out every single day that I was able. Worked out 26 times & 25 miles ran ... My personal goal is to run 25 miles a month. I track this in sparkpeople. My weight has been up and down all months. Up 5 down 5.

3) Sandro returns to school to begin working on this masters. - Classes began Jan 11th.

4) To both get raises this year. - Sandro completed this already. Nearly a 12% raise over all.

5) Pay off truck and start saving for baby #2. - In Progress. Making good head way. Made our first double payment last month. Plan to start paying $500 towards the principal per month. Once the raise kicks in.

6) If we stay on plan that means we will TTC #2 by October 2012. - In Progress

7) To keep myself motivated I just have to be more positive. - In Progress

8) Run a 5k competitively. - NOT Complete

9) Embrace my girlie side. - In Progress

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