Monday, February 16, 2009

Week 5 - Hormones are funny

So today I am feeling a bit of pain in my boobies. They are extremely tender and I am not lying when I say they grew at least once size up this weekend alone. They look like inflated balloons or something. While this is happening I am extremely emotional and I start crying over just about anything. I decided not to even bother with make up since the tears where overwhelming this morning. My bosses sister died of ovarian cancer. I feel so horrible for her.

On another note Sandro hid the BBT last night. You would think that I would get better sleep but my body had another idea in mind. I went to the restroom 4 or 5 times last night..once every hour after midnight. Luckily I was able to go back to sleep fairly quickly.

So today marks 5 weeks..(3 more weeks to the first appointment)

Notes on what is happening with baby this week. Taken from here.

The developing embryo has three layers. In the top layer (ectoderm), the neural tube will form which will further develop into the nervous system (brain, spinal cord, skin and hair). In the middle layer (mesoderm), the heart and circulatory system, bones, muscles, kidneys and reproductive organs will develop - eventually. At this stage, however, the heart and primitive circulatory system will rapidly form. In fact, the circulatory system is the first organ system to function. In the inner layer (endoderm), a simple tube will develop into the intestines, liver, pancreas and bladder.

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