Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Dr. gave Sandro the **side eye**

Appointment went well but she is a little concerned with my little cervical mucus problem. Being that I am far enough to lose my mucus plug that it's a little alarming when I seem to be loosing this early(slowly)...the good thing is that mucus plugs do regenerate. But sometimes it could mean early labor. But since I have no contractions she wasn't overly worried about it. However, when she measured my belly she said ... your belly has grown...She asked us how big we where when we were born. Sandro was a BIG baby...somewhere about 4 kilo' soon as he said that she gave him the side eye and was like...4 kilo's and what exactly..Then she was like...this is going to be a BIG baby. Baby had a really strong heartbeat. 164 ... which is pretty darn good. She was kicking the doopler again. Next appointment I am getting a sono to check on my cervical length and to check the size of the baby. Perhaps my due date will be moving. Overall a good appointment and positive sign the baby is so big. :)

I also had blood drawn to check platelets. So wish me good luck.


Nana said...

Wishing you luck and how much is 4 kilos anyway? Let me know what the doctor says. YOur weight was about 8lbs and 1-3 ounces. Can't remember if its you or me that weight is which. We were close. Chris weight was 8lbs 13ounces, big baby. They outgrow the baby baby suits in the first month. Love you baby girl!!!

MrsSandro said...

8 pounds 13 ounces. :) Two big babies.