Thursday, April 2, 2009

Good News & Bad News

Good News first. Baby is measuring perfectly and is growing perfectly. The heartbeat was 166 which is wonderful. (they say it goes down a little at a time from here) You can see the baby waving it's hands and kicking away. No signs of problems at all with the fetus. The cord is in the back and the placenta looked healthy. He/she is measuring 5 days ahead so 11 wk 6 days.

Now for the bad news. The Hematoma is bigger. Actually it's no longer a small blood clot but a medium one. It appears to be right under the sack now. Since the sack has obviously gotten bigger with it's grow. The doctor seems worried about this and wants me to come back in two weeks. So next appointment is April 20 and 10 in the morning. She says right now "it could go either way" which to me didn't sound to reassuring. Sandro says not worry and thinks the the Dr. wanted to be as honest as possible. She told me if I can make it to 16 weeks that most likely everything will be fine. Of course this really didn't help my confidence level any. I am just going to do my best to relax and take it super easy. No Sex, No working out, no heavy lifting.

I have to look at this way..the positives out way the negatives. Healthy baby doesn't even appear to know what's going on and is loving it's home at the moment. The baby is in a nice high spot getting all it's nutrients and growing rapidly. My hope is that what the Dr. is seeing is just a different view (I had a abdominal u/s) and that maybe it's not as big as it appears. Positive thoughts is just going to have to get me through this.


Katrice Ross said...

I'm excited that your baby is growing so well! I'm also worried about you. I will be praying for you. You've done a heck of a job so far, and I really hope baby makes it. All of this agony will be worth it, in the end. Keep your chin up Steph, and don't let the doc get you down. :)

Nana said...

She is right, the baby looks great!!!! Take care of Ms Momma!