Monday, April 6, 2009

Unsolicated Advice

You will discover when people learn that your pregnant that everyone and their mama wants to give you advice. Sometimes this advice is requested and sometimes this advice is just given without any regard to the intelligence of the woman that is pregnant. You know that people mean well but sometimes it just drives you completely insane. Let me give an example of what I mean.

So this weekend was Zdenko's birthday. Usually birthdays mean food and even more food. Well we went over at our usual time to have dinner and give our gifts. I come in and my sister in law is making some kind of shrimp kabobs and had some crab legs. Both are not my favorite unless they are cooked well in Sushi. (Philadelphia Rolls, or Shrimp Tempura or Cali Rolls) SIL says she researched it and I can have crab legs but she wasn't so sure about the shrimp because she wasn't real sure where it came from. It can be potentially dangerous (from her knowledge). Honestly neither looked appetizing so it wasn't on my food agenda. Then I proceeded to tell her that I still eat Sushi (the above mentioned only) and she immediately told me that I shouldn't do that. I think I would know what I can and cannot eat. She started to attack me and tell me that it has too much mercury. I just had to walk away. Here is an article for those who are interested. But just Google it and you will find the same result. Oh and here is a list of the fish that is safe to eat in Sushi. The ones I like are two 6 ounce servings per week.

Then the night proceeded on. Mother in law got on to me for not wearing shoes. I was wearing thick socks and I wasn't even cold. I asked her why she wasn't wearing shoes and she doesn't matter she isn't pregnant. Then Father in law asked me why I wasn't laying down. It's not as if I was being terribly active or anything. He immediately jumped on the couch and asked me to relax with him. So I did. All this with in a hour of visiting. While I know they do this out of love and concern they just need to relax a little.

On the side note I ended up eating a small piece of steak, potato salad (which was terribly over seasoned with mustard), a roll, and a few bits of corn on the cob. Usually I eat more but during dinner the heartburn came back with a vengeance. Watching them open the crab legs was also disgusting so my stomach was not liking any of this. I am not sure what caused the heartburn return but its a tie between the potato salad and the little bit of steak that I did have. I ended up not even getting a piece of cake. It was sorta ironic if you think about it.

On how I feel front. I am okay today. I have a lot of brown clottish glue spotting usually in the mornings. I am taking it as a good sign. It's more than likely means that it's trying to make it's way our of my body. Trying to stay as possible as possible. Two more weeks to the appointment to check on the little bean.


Katrice Ross said...
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MrsSandro said...

Your link didn't work.

MrsSandro said...

Well I got to work now..What's your point? Seriously.

Carrie said...

I hear ya on the unsolicated advice. It gets annoying quick. I know people mean well - but sometimes it just gets annoying.

Katrice Ross said...

My point is....
All fish have at least some trace amounts of mercury. Mercury is a toxic metal and is very damaging to a developing fetus's brain and nervous system. I thought all pregnant knew that fish isn't safe for developing babies. Sheesh. Even my mom knew that one.

MrsSandro said...

Are you trying to tell me I didn't know that there are some mercury in fish? I am not a idiot. It's all about moderation. Now take your Vegan propaganda elsewhere.

Katrice Ross said...

I think you need to be a bit less hateful. In your first response to my thoughtful link you said "What's your point? Seriously?" and if you had just said thanks for the link I would have left a much nicer comment. Not everyone that gives you advice is out to get you. You "seriously" need an attitude adjustment. That's just not how people respond to loving family members.

MrsSandro said...

My blog is for my venting. Obviously if I post about unsolicited advice and you immediately put your vegan article in then yes...I am permitted to be hateful. If you can't take the heat then get out of my blog. We have been through this before..back off already.

April said...

MrsSandro- If it makes you feel any better I ate sushi while pregnant with both boys (both COOKED and UNCOOKED) more with Mason than with Maddox (more so because i craved it more the 1st time) but like you said, all in moderation...both my boys are fine :-D no brain damage or delays as of yet! just typical boys if you ask me :-)

I'm sorry but I'm laughing about the topic being about unsolicited advice and here you are being hounded about some vegan article ! LOL guess the point wasn't taken by your other reader!

Can i ask why your IL's wanted you to lay down and wear shoes? actually the shoe thing has me more baffled! lol
Hope you're feeling good and the heartburn doesnt get you too bad. My OB had told me to stay away from red meats because it takes the longest to digest (next is carbs,grains) and thats what will cause heartburn. Prevacid was my BFF! maybe a sign of a BOY???? ;-p

Uncle Ed said...

unfriggen believable!

MrsSandro said...

Ha, the shoe thing is just weird over there. If I come over with no socks immediately they make me put on socks. My FIL is big on this. Not sure if it's culture thing. ;)

The heartburn thing is just weird. Comes completely out of nowhere. It set off by the most random things. It really could have been the steak since I don't eat much red meat. I warned mother in law to just have tuns stocked. hehe

Katrice Ross said...

It really doesn't matter if you appreciate my advice or not. Mercury in fish has nothing to do with being vegan. I don't appreciate you being a bitch towards me, when I've done nothing but offer to help. I have plenty of family that disaggree with me, but they do it in a loving manner. You, however, have done it in a spiteful hateful way. Let's just say I know who really loves me, and who doesn't.

MrsSandro said...

Go cry me a river. ... Nobody loves me! I am such a victim because my cousin didn't want to read my article. Get over it. I may be a bitch but I am just trying to make you realize not everyone is going to want to see your point on things. Especially if they are venting in their private blog.

You posted an article purposely to contradict what the point of my post is. The title clearly says Unsolicited advice. I did not ask you for your opinion on the subject. Then you insult my intelligence? Please I am the one who should cry victim.

The problem you have with me is that I am not going to sugar coat things with you. I don't with anybody. Either you love me or you hate. I stand up for myself and my beliefs and I have no problem putting how I feel in writing. Sure that may seem to cold and unfeeling but if you really think I am this way then you don't know me very well.

Chris said...

My unsolicited advice is to eat and drink whatever you want (in moderation, of course) and enjoy yourself and the pregnancy, and all the naysayers can go eff themselves :)

sincerely, the chick that ate her weight in salmon sushi and chased it with beer while pregnant

Jess said...

Damn, sorry you have to deal with bitchy people on here girl! Seems to me someone wants to bring you down during your happy time in life. Don't let her! Life is too short to deal with crazy bitches! Most Drs will actually TELL you to eat fish while you are pregnant, the Omega 3 fatty acids are really healthy for you.
I eat sushi while pg, drank a few glasses of wine, and GASP even enjoyed tuna fish salad on occasion! CALL CPS!!!
Both my boys are healthy and thriving, you will be fine and so will your sweet baby!
Maybe it's time to remove some people as blog readers....