Wednesday, April 8, 2009

12 weeks (12 wk 5 days) w/Picture

So here is my picture for 12 weeks..well technically 12 w/5 days. I am wearing the same outfit I wore for the last time I took a picture at 10 weeks. Obviously My belly is getting bigger. Soon enough I won't be able to hide it anymore. This shirt is almost too small for me. I accompany this outfit with a light jacket to hide the bulge. But I know people aren't stupid. Sure I look like I just increased my eating and gained a few pounds. As for how I am feeling. Increasing bigger. I feel like a gained at ton more than I actually have. My tummy grumbles a lot and again I focus on eating good for me food. Currently today I am feeling a little bit crampy. It could be the fact that I haven't pooped in 4 days or I could have be a result of round ligament pain.

As for the spotting. I spotted for about 4 days. Fairly heavy. Enough to fill a pad. All brown and has a dark clot like look. Today it's very light spotting. I hoping this is good news.

I decided today I am going to post both week 12 and week 13. Since right now I have technically completed week 12 and I am well into week 13.

Here is week 12.
Your baby continues to grow and develop tremendously during pregnancy week 12. You'll be amazed at the pregnancy week by week changes that start occurring within your baby in the upcoming months. Your baby's genitals will start showing signs of being either male or female soon. During pregnancy week 12, your baby's brain is starting to make hormones, and nerve cells are multiplying at a rapid rate. Your baby may be sucking as early as this week, and your baby's kidneys may even be producing urine.

By pregnancy 12 weeks if you stimulate certain points of your uterus your baby may move in response, though you won't be able to actually feel your baby moving for another few weeks!
And Here is week 13.
Your uterus is continuing to grow at pregnancy week 13, and as it does you may start feeling some aching or discomfort in your abdomen. This is perfectly normal. The ligaments that surround your uterus will stretch in the upcoming weeks to accommodate your baby, and this stretching often results in what is called round ligament pain.

Round ligament pain is fairly common by 13 weeks pregnant, but can be alarming if you have never experienced it before. It usually presents as a brief but sharp or stabbing pain in your abdomen, but you may also feel a dull ache in the lower abdomen that lasts for a short time. Most often women feel this when they get up suddenly or change position. You might feel this pain as you attempt to roll over swiftly in the bed.

Update: Looks like it was poop related. Awww...I successful pg poop. Nothing compares.


Jess said...

You look cute!

Unknown said...

Congrats on looking cute while PG! Yay! A bit of advice on the whole contipation issue, this might be caused by your PG vitamin or the LO. Lots of gals seem to have this issue, including myself. I even had to call my OB for help. He suggested for me to take Colace (I took the generic, it was wayy cheaper than the brand name) to help me go. It was a gift in such a little bottle, to say the least. :) Also, I took it during the duration of my PG. You might want to call your OB & chat with the nurse about it. HTH!