Wednesday, April 1, 2009

11 Weeks

So tomorrow we have a u/s to check on the baby. If it is a boy then sometimes they can tell by now. However, they don't tell you for sure until week 18-20. There was a post yesterday that girl was told what she was having at 10 wk 4 days. (since it was a boy)

It's strange, I am feeling hungry, but the thought of actually eating disgusts me. Mainly because I am worried how I feel after eating. Yesterday Sandro took me to Blue Mesa. I had never been before but I heard it's not traditional Tex Mex. (which what I was craving) The best way I can describe it is New Age Mexican based cuisine. I tried to order the closest think on the menu to Tex Mex possible. I got a chicken taco and a cheese enchilada. The chicken taco was good. I should have just gotten two of those. The enchilada had nice cheese but the flavor of the sauce was just a little too different for me. On the side of this the rice to me had a lavender flavor ... first it tastes like Mexican and then you have this strange lavender aftertaste. It was good but not something I wanted to eat a lot of. It also came with this corn mesa stuff. That was good. But it was a really small portion. Of course it gave me indigestion but it was fast. Too bad I still want a burrito.

So here is what is happening in Week 11.
By pregnancy 11 weeks your baby's fingers and toes have lost their amphibious like resemblance, now separated instead of webbed. Your little one is taking advantage of the huge space she is floating in by pregnancy 11 weeks, by kicking and squirming about. In the next three weeks your baby will go through a tremendous growth spurt, almost doubling in size. At no other time in your baby's life will she undergo as many rapid changes as are occurring during this stage of your pregnancy.

1 comment:

Nana said...

I look forward to your Dr's appt tomorrow and new picture of my grandbaby. Hope you are feeling ok. You really should start feeling better once you feel movements from the baby. It's like you connect as one. It's such a miracle. You are in my thoughts and if you can let me know how your appt goes tomorrow.
Love you baby girl.