Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Weekly Update

How far along? 12wks 6 days (per last appointment 13 wk 4 days)
Total weight gain/loss: When I last went to the doctor I had gained 6 pounds.
Maternity clothes? Almost time to go shopping for more.
Stretch marks? Perhaps my old ones resurfacing a little.
Sleep: Getting harder. Mainly because of the heartburn but also because it's hard to get comfortable. I tend to fall asleep well but if I wake up to pee it takes me a while to get back to sleep.
Food cravings: I had a huge craving for tortilla pinwheels and I made a ton for Easter and ate them for two days.
Labor Signs: Nope..Many weeks away from this.
What I miss: Being about to eat spicy food. Everything I eat now is bland for the most part. Also, I miss sweets. Sweets also tend to give me Heartburn.
What I am looking forward to: The short term..my next appointment. The long term..being about to have full confidence that this baby will completely make it.
Weekly Wisdom: Bleeding/Spotting isn't always something bad. I am so happy I found a excellent support group of ladies who are experiencing the same thing that I am. It's really not that uncommon.
Milestones: Well based on my last appointment I am beginning my 2nd trimester.

As for the spotting I am experiencing. It's goes in waves. All day Saturday I had hardly nothing..then Sunday it was back again. Then yesterday only in the AM then nothing in the evenings. Then today a little in the morning. Perhaps this means that there is less and less of it.

Also I have a huge Asthma attack this weekend. Sandro decided to make popcorn from scratch on the stove with Olive Oil. (sigh...warned him this was a bad idea) He burned half of it. So we had so much smoke in the air. On top of that I had saved my dessert for late. (Cheescake) and it gave me the worse heartburn I have had so far. Lets just say I was pretty miserable and couldn't sleep well at all.

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