Thursday, May 14, 2009

Week 18

So what's happening this week you ask...Well I think my tummy has popped. It's harder and it appears that I am carrying mostly high. My stomach is lopsided but it could be related to way the baby is positioned. I have been feeling more movement this week. It's the coolest feeling. I can see why people say butterflies in your tummy but it also feels like a fish swimming around touching you with it's fins. Sometimes I feel nothing and then boom after I eat there it is again. At this point it doesn't have to be frequent so that is perfectly fine.

Today I went on the scale. Last night I was so bloated and terribly miserable. So I slept with my big pillow for tummy support and leg support. I woke up feeling much better. So I decided to weigh. Amazingly my weight hadn't change since the last time I was on the scale. Yet my belly is bulging more. Maybe it's the fact I really didn't increase my calories all that much. I don't really eat fast food (other than the occasionally Chipotle) of course this is all Sandro's influence. He doesn't feel that pregnancy cravings are real and will be stubborn when I request certain things. However, honestly I don't have a big craving for any of that. I get on these modes that some days I just want Italian foods like pasta and pizza then I want Mexican foods. Of course most of these are made at home. But no sweets cravings. Maybe this is helping me keep my weight under control. I used to have 1200 calories a day when I was dieting...well obviously this isn't enough for pregnant ladies. I do indulge in more juices and lemonades though.

So here is what is happening in Week 18.
Our little one is nearly half a pound now and very human looking. Pads are forming on the fingertips and toes, and the eyes are looking forward rather than out the sides of the head. Meconium, the baby's first bowel movement, is accumulating within the bowel. If your baby is a boy, his prostate gland is beginning to develop.

If you notice your belly making jerky movements in sync, don't panic; your baby may have the hiccups!

1 comment:

Lauren Thorne said...

I can't wait for y'all to find out what the baby is! I'm glad everything is going well.

I left you something on my blog (