Monday, May 4, 2009

Whoohoo 16 Weeks!

How far along? 16 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Last time I went to the doctor I only gained 6 pounds. I am sure this will increase at the next appointment.
Maternity clothes? I had to purchase a few things this weekend with birthday money. Cami's and some shorts for the spring.
Stretch marks? The Linea nigra
has made it's appearance.
Sleep: You would think after being in the second tri that I would not be as tried. But I have been sleeping more than ever. Actually falling asleep by 7:30-8:00. I just feel tried and sleepy after eating.
Best moment this week: I would say the flutters.
Movement: Feeling a few flutters. (at least I hope that is what they are)
Food cravings: Hawaiian Punch and Chipolte.
Labor Signs: Nope..Many weeks away from this.
What I miss: Being able to eat a few of my favorite things. Lately nothing tastes good. (except above mentioned cravings)
What I am looking forward to: Finding out the sex in 17 days.
Weekly Wisdom: The swine flu isn't the end of humanity. It's just a flu. Wash your hands and avoid sick people and you make it through it. It's not as it we turn to Zombies or something.
Milestones: Made it to 16 weeks. The doctor had told me if I made it this far that most likely the baby will be fine.

This weekend was my birthday. On the actual day it's self I was feeling really tried. I also had a spotting incident but it was very light and disappeared as quickly as it appeared. As always just brown junk. On top of that I was just feeling so tried that I had no energy. I laid on the couch for most of the time. I took a 3 hour mid day nap. Let's just say it wasn't that exciting of a Birthday. Sandro's parents did come over and have pizza (Whole Foods) and eat some cake. It rained for the majority of the day. Perhaps this is what zapped my energy.

On Sunday I went to Sandro's parents for breakfast. She has made some pita. She also had made a cake. So we did the whole birthday thing over again. This time with my SIL and BIL. Then Sandro took me shopping at the mall. Later he gave into my promise of Chipotle. I had to not mention it for 4 days or he would not take me again for 2 weeks. It was hard not to mention it since that is all I am craving. :) It was fantastic.

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